Accounting, Treasury & Taxes
Our service differentiators:
- Usage of DIMSA’s web-based accounting software.
- Accounts Payable day-to-day transaction registration and Preparation of weeklv Accounts Pavable report.
- Preparation of invoices as agreed by both parties and record of journal entries within the month.
- Preparation of the monthly electronic accounting for SAT and file state taxes.
- Calculation and control of depreciation of fixed assets.
- Preparation of the accounting month-end close.
- Presentation of INEGI monthly statistical report. (if applies)
- Bank reconciliations will be prepared each month.
- Maintain accurate bank balances in e-craft.
- DIMSA will operate with Banorte bank accounts, one account in MXN and one account in USD.
- Preparation and submission of monthly and yearly tax compliance reports to authorities: VAT, withholding tax, income tax, Digital tax Certificate (CFDI), informative declarations, etc.
- Recommendation and advice of Transfer Pricing Study and Foreign Trade transactions fiscal impact.
- Answer any extraordinary information requests made by authorities.